FIDLOCK Twist Bottle Connector Left Turn
FIDLOCK Twist Bottle Connector Left Turn
left-turning release connector for bottle mount, compatible with bottle 450/450 kids/590/590 antibacterial/600/750 compact
Counterclockwise-turning release
well-known easy installation
fits all TWIST bottles without belt only
technical data:
compatibility: TWIST bottle 450/450 kids/590/ 590 antibacterial/600/750 compact turning direction: counterclockwise
dimensions: 48 x 100 x 16 mm
weight: 33 g
No compatibility: TWIST X KEEGO bottle 600, bottle 700 life, bottle 800, tex base, tex base multi, HIP BELT single & double
No Gravity Kit included!
Maximum flexibility when drinking on the go. Now you can choose which hand to use and which direction to turn. In addition to the traditional right-hand rotation, bottles can now also be removed by turning to the left. Thanks to the left-turning mechanism, the TWIST bottle connector left turn is compatible with various frame geometries that previously didn't allow the bottle to be turned to the right. Attaching the new connector is easy: Simply insert the bottle connector left turn into the recess of the TWIST replacement bottle and close the locking mechanism with a coin.